Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Week by Week (rather day by day)

We have been taking it day by day around here lately. I went back to the doctors on Monday after a weekend of bed rest. I saw a different doctor and she examined me and said that I am not dilating externally but from my u/s results it shows that I am dilating internally or my cervix is funneling. She did a fetal fibronectin test and luckily it came back negative (it predicts if labor will happen in the next 2 weeks.) So I am not on bed rest but they did limit my activity. I can't lift anything, exercise or be on my feet too much during the day. She is afraid that because of the funneling and because my cervix is soft that I am showing some signs of preterm labor. Thankfully I can keep Wade home with me we just can't over do it. I have another u/s on the 28th and as long as everything looks the same we will continue with limited activity. If they see any changes then I will have to be on bed rest. So I am trying really hard to take it easy until then so my cervix doesn't change.

Each day she gets a little bigger and the longer we can keep her in the better. I am thankful I will be 26 weeks on Saturday. I am always so happy when Saturday's come around!! Once I get to 30 weeks I will feel so much better. I don't want her to come at 30 weeks but babies born after 30 weeks do so much better.

Papaw is going down hill pretty fast. I went 3-4 days without seeing him when I was on bed rest last weekend and it amazed me how sick he looked when I saw him. His leg is swelling so bad-the cancer is coming up through his skin and he has red marks on his one leg (like a rash) and they said this was the cancer presenting itself on his skin. A place has also popped up on his lip :( They feel like it is just spreading rapidly. His leg is so bad that he can't do rehab anymore so it looks like he is coming home on Sunday. Mom is going to be staying with him at his house with the help of hospice. He is in a lot of pain already and he is wanting to sleep more and more. Tomorrow the guys from the Cary Police Department are coming to present him with a ceremony/award. He was a police man for the town of Cary and was also a Sheriff there too. I can't remember if I blogged about this before but Papaw was at Iwo Jima in 1945. He was about 20-30 feet away from the famous "Raising of the Flag." There is a book by Eric Hemmel and on page 84 there is a picture of Papaw on Mount Suribachi when the Marines were raising the American Flag up. He was just a few feet away. I think because he has always been a fighter his body is fighting hard against this cancer. I also think that he is tough and he has been in pain a lot longer than we all thought he had. He must really be hurting because he is now complaining and asking for pain meds. We are just praying that he doesn't have to suffer too long. We hate to loose him but I hate seeing him like this. Thanks for all the prayers, we appreciate it!!

I have been horrible about taking pictures lately with everything that has been going on. So one day soon I will take a 24/25 week picture (hopefully before Saturday.) I also need to take some pictures of my sweet boy!! He has been so cute lately and will say "I want you" and climb up and give me a big hug. I know this has been hard on him too. His teachers are aware of what has been going on and they said Monday and today that he has been wonderful. One of his teachers even told me this morning that he is the sweetest thing all the time!! I wanted to tell her she should have seen him this morning when he told me "I'll hit you with this!!" I am just thankful he is so good for them.

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