Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Busy Busy

I feel like we have been running around crazy lately. I guess this is to be expected when you have a sick family member. I go twice a week during the day to visit with Papaw for a couple of hours and try to go a few times at night to be with mom. Needless to say we have eaten out a lot this week. I know it is busy now but I also know I won't regret this time that I am getting to spend with him. I had a lot of strong cramping again last night so I didn't stay very long. I sometimes forget I am pregnant and have to remember to slow down some.  I want her to stay in there until she is nice and healthy.

Papaw got moved to his Rehab place yesterday and it is right down the street from us (which is wonderful.) He has to share a room with someone-not so great-but there is a lobby area and a couple of outside area's too. There is even a little room where they all go eat together. It is like a parade of wheelchairs in there. They have daily activities and Mom is making him go play BINGO with her on Friday (he is not thrilled about this!!) I think once he can get out of that tiny room more and meet some people it may not be so bad. Today after his PT I took him outside in a wheelchair and he kept saying how great it was to be outside. It was such a great day to sit outside for a bit.  I can't wait to take Wade because everyone looks so lonely there and I know Wade will make lots of new friends. Hospice will also start coming to see him and should be here by the end of the week. Here are a few pictures from our hospital visit last weekend.

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