Thursday, September 8, 2011

So sweet

Wade has been so sweet the past few days so I just had to blog about it. When he wakes up each morning he has wanted to hug me and then he gives me this big smile. When we lay in our bed together to watch cartoons he will just move close to me and put his arm around me and usually give me a couple of kisses. Today he leaned down and kissed my leg and says "do you feel better after I kissed you?" I am loving this behavior. Now don't get me wrong he still tried to hit me in Trader Joe's yesterday because I was trying to wipe something off his ear!! We had a LONG talk about hitting on the way home.

Before we went grocery shopping yesterday we went to the park. Wade met a little friend there. I think this was his first time meeting someone that he didn't already know. I love that he is really starting to interact and play with other kids. It is so cute to watch. Wade was SO good and nice to him yesterday and I was so proud. Sometimes he acts like a normal selfish 2 year old at the park but not today. He played so well and it was too cute. He kept pointing over to me and telling his new friend "that's my mommy," its the little things like this that make me smile!

He is also telling us "I will be right back" all the time now. He will say "you stay here" and " I will be right back." It always makes us laugh. He is getting so independent! He is going potty alone too. I have a little stool that he uses and he wants to do it alone. He just needs help getting his underwear pulled down and up.

Nap time has been interesting lately. Wade now wants to get out of his bed and sleep on the floor with his animals. I tried to tell him he can put his animals on his bed but he wants to sleep on the floor. He actually sleeps great there and the past two days has slept for 3 hours. The first day he did this I moved him and he woke up and did not go back to sleep. So for now we are just leaving him on the floor!

He has also started wanting to answer the phone when it rings. It is too cute. He can't say L's great so he says "Hewwo" Last night I went to see my friend Claire who had sweet baby Haley a couple of days ago. Haley is so sweet and cute- I forgot how little they are when they are born. Well on my way home I called Josh and Wade answered the phone. He says "Hi mommy" and then he says the best thing "I miss you." I thought Josh told him to say it but when I got Josh back on the phone he said it was all Wade. He made my day....I hope this sweet behavior sticks around.

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