Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I forgot...

Here are a couple more funny things he has said lately. I write everything down and just found another list!
  • "there's Bojangles (can you tell this is his favorite!) lets get dirty rice and biscuit!"
  • "I go buffet" We have no idea about this one...he must have heard someone say buffet?
  • "I want all" I dislike this one...he yells this sometimes when he wants more snack than what we gave him!
  • "you can do it" He said this when he wanted me to get out of bed the other morning...I needed some encouraging!
  • "I peed on floor" Yes he went to the potty by himself and then the next time he went on the floor!
  • "nice to meet you" He loves to say this and shake people's hands
  • "be right back"
  •  "cry mommy" He loves for me to pretend to cry; then he says "don't feel better mommy; go to the doctor." I think he is trying to say feel better so you don't have to go to the doctor!!
  • "here boy"-when trying to give Charlie his food "cookie"- this one makes me laugh so much. This is what my dad says to the dogs and now Wade will say them to Charlie. He loves to yell "cookie" when trying to get him inside!!
  • "daddy's head a circle"
  • "Where's Winter?" (his girlfriend at the gym) "Winter be there?" He pointed out tonight that her skin is a different color...this is the first time he has ever said this.
And just because I thought these were cute...all of his favorite things are in his bed, he is currently sleeping with his real drumsticks. He borrowed the "sunglass" from the Brogden kids and he loves it. I think we need to get him one. We told him it was a magnifying glass but I guess he likes sunglass better.
    No this is not child abuse...this is what happens when you dump Charlies water bowl out on the floor for the third time; you get to clean it up yourself!!

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