Monday, April 11, 2011

24 Months (Better late than never!!)

So I can't believe I forgot to do Wade's 24 month post. I guess with all the birthday posts I forgot!! I am so thankful I have been able to do a post for him every month but I think now that he is two I am only going to do one every 3 months or so. I know we will love having these posts one day. Here is what he is up to:
  • 30 lbs and is 35 inches tall
  • wears size 2-3T and size 7-8W shoe
  • sleeps wonderfully (now that he is used to the new house!!) for 10.5-11.5 hours at night. He has not woken up once crying in so long. PRAISE!!!!!
  • takes a 2-3 hr nap every day
  • talks non stop all day long and loves to sing songs
  • loves story time at the library
  • has started asking LOTS of questions..."where are we going?" "whats that noise?" "what's this?"
  • loves to tell me...."wade a boy" or "that's a girl"
  • is obsessed with being naked or seeing people that he "thinks" are naked???
  • has pee peed on the potty one time and has not wanted to since then
  • loves golf, basketball, baseball, and kick ball
  • he loves to yell "gold" (goal) for pretty much every sport!!
  • can sing his ABC's
  • can count to 15
  • knows colors and shapes
  • has thrown his first "fit" (today actually) in McDonald's because he wanted a bouncy ball
  • loves to say "wade do it"
  • He said "I" today instead of saying "wade or me." He said "I could be naked!" when talking about his bath
  • loves to tell me "eww that's nasty" usually when he is talking about an old sippy cup or food on the floor
  • loves to find "bugs" on the ground but tells me "oh bugs scary"
  • Has started calling people his "friends" or saying things are his "favorite's"
  • He is much more into sports or riding his bikes...he used to be more into trucks, school buses etc
  • still loves to see a train or fire truck
  • has asked to sleep in his pirate big boy room but we are not ready to move him from his crib yet
  • still loves everything, dirt, sticks you name it!
  • know all the places where he gets nuggets; today asked for "chick-il-a"
  • will say "bye bye doctors office" or "wade need a hair cut" when we pass his doctors office or hair place
  • Today he showed me something and said "Oh that's dog poop!" Just what I wanted to see
I wish I could record his little voice all the time. He can be sooooooooo country and it kills me. He will say "Meooooow" or "Neeeak" (for neck.) Its funny because I don't think Josh or I have that strong of a southern accent but if you go back and watch home video's from when I was 5...oh my word was I country. I guess he gets it honest.

He said the funniest thing he has ever said to me the other day. We were outside swinging on the porch swing while the guys put our furniture together. He was being the little dare devil that he is and started standing up on the swing. I told him not to do that because he could fall on the concrete. Well he wanted to talk about the concrete. He calls it "concreek" and it is so cute. Randomly I asked him "wade what happens if you fall on concrete?" He thought about it for a minute and in his best country accent he says "you break your neeeak" I had to say excuse me, what did you say and he said "break your neck!" I have never told him this so of course I asked him where did you hear this and he said "pops tell you this!" Go figure.

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