Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Loved this weather

We had such great weather this weekend. I am so tired of being cold and stuck inside so it was great to get outside. I think Wade went to the park 2 or 3 times and played outside as much as he could! I took him to the park last Friday but forgot my camera. He had a blast. What a difference a year makes. Early spring time last year he wasn't even walking by himself and I was having to hold those sweet little hands (while my back broke from bending over) to help him walk. Once he learned to walk and climb I still had to stay right behind him at the park because I was also afraid he would fall. Well not this year...I got to sit on the bench and watch him play. It was heavenly. He wanted me to catch him once or twice when he first started sliding again but after a couple of times he did great. He kept saying "Wade did it" when he would climb up and slide down. He was so proud of himself. Here are a couple pictures of the boys playing "soccer," I had to make them come inside to eat lunch and take a nap.

Wade is just growing and talking so much these days. He really understands most things but the potty thing is still not clicking (and its ok because I think he is still really too young.) I think it is so cute, he will run in there and sit on his potty with his clothes on and yell "popsicle, pee pee on potty." Bless his sweet heart he thinks if he sits on it he is going "pee pee" and that he gets a popsicle. We do try to take his clothes off sometimes when he wants to but we are not really pushing potty training yet. I have been told by lots of people to wait until 27 months to start. 

If this isn't little Josh I don't know what is...last night wade wanted his hoodie on while we were inside? He loves to wear hats and hoodies. Anyways he found my headphones and got so excited and tried to put them in his ears like he was listening to music. Oh he made us just laugh so hard!
The things he is saying these days are just cracking me up. Here are a few of his favorite saying:
-Wade did it
-"Comes next...I don't know?"q (referring to nick jr)
-"I know it" (he says this all the time when I ask him something)
-"Wade play outside" (we heard this a lot this weekend)
-"Hang on Mommy" -he said this in the kitchen last week, I almost died when he said it. I must say hang on Wade way too much apparently. I said come get in your highchair and that's when he said "hang on mommy."
-trying to sing Happy Birthday and Ring around the Roses
-"Sit tight daddy"- I did not hear this but Josh called me at work to tell me this one. I have no clue where he heard that from?
-And my favorite from this past week was "Hurry up Ashey (can't say the L yet), Bojangles." If you know Ashley you know she eats there all the time and she took wade twice this weekend. I guess he wanted to go back!

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