Monday, November 12, 2012


This is one of those post that you may want to skip over. Its just something I want to remember one day!! Wade is a funny kid; he really always has been but lately he has been really funny! He might do something to make me so mad but one minute later he says things that are so funny. Just today his buddy got in trouble at the park and Wade says "everybody do mistakes mom!!" When I try to correct his grammar and say "you mean everybody makes mistakes Wade" he will say "yea that's what I was saying!!" Here are some other funny things from our silly boy.
  • Right Mom?
  • Maybe? (he says this a lot when I ask him a question)
  • Yeah, really mom!!
  • Really Mom?
  • Um think about it...its a mustang and I'm right (he told this to Josh the other day when Josh was telling him that every convertible is not a mustang!)
  • Did you vote for Romney...I voted for Graham Crackers (I loved this one-he was asking about seeing all the signs around election time and I was telling him about Obama and Romney. He came home from school around election time with a sticker on that said I Voted. When I asked him about it he said they had to vote between goldfish, graham crackers and pretzels!!)
  • I don't feel very good, my tummy hurts. I need some candy for breakfast to make it feel better
  • He says to WK "Sis-say (sissy) Sis-say look at brother Sis-say" He really loves her these days and gets so excited when she wakes up in the mornings. It is too cute.
Wade had scared us a few weeks back when he started complaining of headaches. At first I wasn't so worried but then one night he woke up crying saying his head was hurting. Long story short we took him in and they checked him out really well and his doctor was concerned about him waking up crying but wasn't quite ready to send him for a CT scan (which we weren't either.) He thought it may be from congestion because even though he wasn't sick one side of his nose was congested. We did a few days of sudafed and I wasn't supposed to ask him about his head. Dr. Steele wanted us to write it down when he had a headache. He only complained a couple of times here and there. One night he asked Josh to sleep in his room and when Josh said "no" Wade then said "I don't feel well I have a headache." So after that we got a little suspicious that he wasn't always telling the truth about it. About two weeks ago we were in the car and Wade randomly asks me "How do you spell headache?" I told him and then asked him why he asked and he says "Because I am going to have one tomorrow and I need to know how to spell it!!!" So needless to say we have relaxed a little about the headaches and he hasn't been complaining about them lately.

Wade's little buddy Sebastian from school went on vacation to visit his grandparents. He was gone over a week and Wade was always asking about him. Well the day he got back Wade came home from school and said "Sebastian is back from his trip to Salamia." I said from where? He said "Salamia mom!" I corrected him and said honey he is back from Colombia. Wade then tried to correct me again and said "Salamia just like Kate likes to eat salami for lunch!!"

1 comment:

  1. Why would anyone want to pass up reading that?! He is so cute!
