Saturday, July 30, 2011

Funny Boy!

So most of you that know me well know that I am always leaving my phone at home or somewhere. Nothing against people that are attached to their phones but that is just not me (it drives Josh crazy that I never have it!) I don't have Facebook or email on it and I know I am WAY behind but I just think it would take time away from Wade during the day if I always had that stuff on my phone.  Wade is only little once and he is way more important to me than having all that stuff on my phone. Don't get me wrong I love FB but getting on at naptime or after he is sleeping just makes me feel better. So please don't take it personal if it takes me a day or two to return a text or phone call; half the time I don't even realize I had a missed call because I leave it at home so much!!

Anyways back to the story...I am working harder on always taking my phone with us in the car because you never know what could happen. It seems like most days I get in the car and have to go back in the house to find my phone. Well two days ago we got in the car to go somewhere and as soon as I got in the car I said "Uggggh" out loud. (I had knocked my water bottle over) Well I hear this sweet little voice in the back seat say "You forgot your phone?" I just about died laughing. Bless his heart my 2 year old already knows my issues with my phone! I told him no I actually had my phone this time and told him "thank you" for helping mommy remember. He was so sweet and says "your welcome!"

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