Friday, February 12, 2010

Big News!!

We have some big news around here today. As of today Wade will be moving up to the crawlers room in church! He decided today that he would not only crawl some but he also pulled up three times by himself. Our church is huge so he will be in the late crawlers room but thats ok. We had given up on crawling and figured he would just walk like Josh did. But he really wanted to get the remote today so I guess he decided to go for it. Now don't get me wrong it is not fast crawling by any means. Actually a couple of times he stopped after doing a few crawls and rested. I have never laughed so hard... he was out of breath! I am thinking he will not be our track star. He did great pulling up though. He has been so close the last few weeks and today he pulled up on the couch and chair. So I guess the baby proofing finally begins. Another new thing he is doing is pointing at EVERYTHING. He points like he wants to show us stuff and grunts until we acknowledge it. We have to say, "yes that is the light switch" or "yes that is the picture on the wall" You can tell as soon as that little finger points and his arm stretches out he is excited about something. I hope it doesn't take him as long to learn to talk as it did to crawl or we will be hearing this grunting forever. Actually I probably will look back and be so glad he didn't crawl until 10 months because I have not had to chase him around. Josh walked at 9 months and I walked at 10 months but I don't think he is quite ready yet. I am thinking by his first birthday he will be walking. He is cruising while holding onto the couch. Maybe after seeing all the other kids crawling at church this Sunday he will pick up the pace a little and not have to take rest breaks!!!!


  1. That is so funny! I want to see a video!

  2. Ha....I was so thinking "OMG, she's pregnant!" but I guess that's Big News too when you already have a baby!!!
