Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Busy Busy...

Wow I can't believe September is coming to an end. We have been way too busy so I know this hasn't helped with it flying by. Where to start. Our playgroup started last week. I decided to try to start a playgroup and with the help of one of my best friends Andrea it was a success. We have 7 girls and 10 kids and two of the mom's are pregnant!! Of course I head up a playgroup and my child is sick and cannot come. My mom luckily kept him so I could go visit for an hour. We meet once a week for two hours and rotate houses. We also are going to have a girls dinner night every other month or so. This week it is at our house and hopefully Wade will stay well. I didn't take many pictures but here is one I did get. Hopefully next week I can get a few more of the kids playing!!

Here are a couple of pictures of Wade last week. When he was sick I was trying to get some fluids in him so I tried a popsicle... well he didn't keep it down but he loved it and has wanted them since. My friend Courtney told me she gives her little boy a popsicle at bath time. What a great idea.  Here is Wade eating his during his bath one night last week. It was so nice not having to worry about it getting all over the floor or his clothes!! Sunday was such a nice day we decided to have a popsicle outside before heading to the park. We went to Greenville Saturday to do lots of yard work and clean the carpets. My parents kept Wade overnight and I know he was much happier staying here. Josh and I actually had a great time. We did lots of work outside, went out to eat at Basil's (one of our favorite's) and even splurged and got some dessert. I have not been eating any sweets for awhile now so this was a special treat. We finally most of the work done at 11pm and got on our lovely air mattress and watched "Back up Plan." What I saw of it was really cute but I fell asleep. We headed back Sunday after getting to see the Nicholson's for a few minutes. We miss them so much!! Our house is still for sale but we are also trying to rent it out now (through a rental company!!) if anyone knows anyone looking in the Greenville area. We will be so glad when we only have one house to take care of. It is keeping us busy.

I am not a stuffed animal person... I know this is random but it explains the next picture! I really never have been. I am a little bit OCD about clutter and cannot stand things to sit around. So to me they just sit and collect dust. Here and there Wade has gotten a few either from his grandparents or Josh. He has this blue tub container in his room that holds them all. Well all of a sudden last week he started asking for them when he goes "night night" He is so sweet....he names them all until we put them in the bed. He says there names in a certain order...Scout, Duck, Elmo, more Elmo (he has two), and doggy. He loves it when we put them in the bed with him. Don't worry at night when he is sleeping I take them out before I go to bed. He loves his bunny the best and loves to cuddle with it. Here he is last night with all of his buddies

Another reason this month has been busy is that Wade started school. His first day he did great but his second day he cried when I dropped him off and I had to pick him up 20 min early. They said he really had a great day but after snack that was it and he was done. I am hoping it keeps getting better and better from here on out. I noticed he had his paci when I picked him up so I knew he was pretty upset. We don't give it to him at all during the day but I still send it to school for emergencies. I guess he needed it. I love his school so much already. His teacher sends us an email on Tuesday's telling us what they did on Monday and she started a snapfish picture website and uploads pictures each week. I really hope he learns to love it too.

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