Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday was Wade's 1st Birthday. Happy Birthday Sweet Boy! I can't even believe I am already doing this post. Where did the past year go? I have loved each age and milestone that we have gone through but I have to say I think this age may be my favorite! I could write pages and pages about my sweet boy. He does so many new things each day and is always making me laugh. I swear he is smarter than me and is getting so mischievous. Sometimes even when I am disciplining him I can't help but to turn my head and laugh. For example Wade has a mind of his own at meal time and he is so picky right now. He will eat any kind of baby food vegetable but when it comes to table food veggies forget it. So the other night I made his dinner, and I thought he would love it. Whole wheat pasta with broccoli and cheese and a little bit of tuna. Well I thought if I started with the pasta he would just love it. So Josh tried to feed him with a spoon and he pushed the spoon away; so then we tried to place it on his tray. Well the little rascal picked up the pasta looked at it and brought it to his mouth... well I was so glad I thought he was going to eat it. Then he looked around at all of us (we were at my mom and dad's house) held out his little arm and threw all of the pasta on the floor and then smiled as big as he could. I wanted to pop that little hand but all I could do is laugh. So what did he eat... Bojangles chicken tenders and some of a biscuit. Any idea's on getting a soon to be toddler to eat better? He is just rotten. He smiles and laughs all day and if he has a ball to play with he is happy. He has discovered the bathrooms and TP and we now keep the bathroom doors closed. He loves to be outside  and every time he see's a white car or an SUV he says "dadda." It is amazing to me how much he is learning these days. He newest thing he is doing is when we sing the "Dora" song. D-D-D-D Dora!!! He will copy the D-D-D-D part. He has a Dora ball and as he is chasing it around the house he sings it. Here are a few more things he is up to:

-weighs around 21-22lbs (we go to the doctor next week so that is just a guess)
-wears size 12-18 months clothes and size 3 diapers
-eats three meals a day with a snack in the afternoon
-finally loves cold whole milk- it took about 1-2 weeks to make that happen
-water is his other favorite, we don't give him juice but we tried juice and  pedialyte while he was sick and he didn't like either (which is ok with me)
-three favorite foods- oatmeal, yogurt, and banana's (crackers, bread, & goldfish are his next favorite)
-takes two naps a day
-sleeping much better-10-11 hours and now usually does not wake up at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-loves to be outside pushing his little car around or playing in the grass
-LOVES what we call "big trucks" which is an 18 wheeler or dump truck etc- he gets so excited and smiles, makes a squeal noise and claps. We look for them all the time while on the road.
-his other new love is birds... we look for them on our walks and outside, he get so excited
-loves "pirate" things and loves to make the "arrrgh" sound
-loves to read especially animal books (those are his favorite these days)
-two favorite TV shows- Yo Gabba Gabba and Wonder Pets (Backyardagins is another favorite)
-has mastered "mama", "dada," "yum," is pretty close to saying hey, bye bye, banana, and baby
-he can do "all done" and "more" in sign language
-he has a V-tech train that makes a train noise and he will make the train noise when playing with it 
-pretty much has become a Daddy's boy and ask for him all day... he only wants him on the weekends
-is busy, busy, busy and crawls all around this house all day or cruises around the furniture
-loves to get into Charlie's food and water bowl and today I found him sticking a toy in the toilet
-is so close to walking... he stands and will take a couple of steps but gets scared and falls down
-I don't want to jinx it but his hair is coming in and around the back and around his ears is may be starting to curl!!!
-he loves to give hugs and kisses and he will grab his stuffed animals (bless his heart he only has 2 or 3 because I am not big on stuffed animals) and just squeeze and hug them
-he pats us on the back when we pick him up from naps or in the morning (like "thanks" and "good job")

I know I am forgetting things but he is just an angel and a joy to be around. We could not even imagine our lives without him. I told Josh last night I wish I could take a video camera around all the time and capture all of these precious moments with him. I just hope and pray we will always remember just how precious our sweet little boy is at 1 years old. I am so happy to watch him change and grow and can't wait to see what he will be doing in the next six months. I got a little sad because now I won't be taking him every 3 months for pictures and I won't have a picture to take each month or a post to write. I think I will still post and do a picture at 14, 16 and then 18 months! That way I can capture new things every couple of months. Can't wait to write all about his party. I am a little sad because I got this cute monogrammed pants outfit with his name on it for him to wear. Usually Easter weekend is still somewhat cool but it looks like it is going to be 80-85 degrees. Looks like I will be getting him something else to wear for the party. Happy Birthday sweet boy, we love you so much!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday, Wade! I can not believe these baby boys are one!
