Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Meet the teacher and a boo boo!

Last night Josh and I went to open house/meet the teacher at Wade's school. I am SO excited for him. He is going to LOVE his teachers and they are really really getting them prepared for real school. He is going to have 18 kids in his class just like he will next year. There are 10 girls and 8 boys. Josh was working really hard on getting Wade excited about this ratio :) He has two teachers that will be in there all 5 days. Then he has three floater teachers. One will be in there 3 days (M,W,F) one will be there 2 days (T, Th) and one will be with them on Fridays. Basically he will have 5 teachers and three will roatate. I am so excited about his Friday helper because she was his 2 year old teacher and we love love her! He was so happy when I told him Ms. Susan was going to be one of his teachers. His two main teachers are fantastic and I really don't know the other two floaters well but I am hoping they will be just as great. He is going M-F for 3 hours each day and he will take his lunch twice a week. This is different because the last two years he has had lunch every day. On the days he doesn't bring lunch they will have snack time instead. He will also have chapel and music just like last year but they add science for the 4 year olds. I know he will love going to science class. I am so thankful for RLP and I can't believe this is his last year of preschool. Oh and just because this never happens my sweet/wild boy is napping today and has been for almost 2 hours. This is RARE around here these days so I thought I should document it!!

My sweet baby fell today and had her first "big" accident. Now I should say I am so thankfully that our kids have never really had a major accident so to us a busted lip is pretty major. She fell off the lower part of the playground today when I was being "mom of the year and talking on the phone to our relator!" Talk about feeling horrible. I turned away for just a minute to grab my phone and she was playing on the lowest part where she always does and she lost her balance and fell off. Her little tooth went into her bottm lip but thankfully it didn't go threw it. It looks like she just bit into her bottom lip pretty bad. It bled forever and bless her heart she cried for a good little bit. Now let me tell you why this wild child was crying, after the first two minutes or so she was crying because I wouldn't put her down. Oh not because of the big gash in her lip or the blood pouring out, oh no.  She was crying and reaching to get down and go play. This girl is crazy! I couldn't let her get down or blood when have been all over the playground. Plus I was a nervous reck after that and felt so bad that I turned away from her. I am so thankful she was just on the bottom part and not up at the top near the slide when it happened. Needless to say I have learned my lesson and I won't walk away again for a long time :)

Our realtor is meeting with the couple who wants to buy our house again right now. I am hoping to hear from her any minute and hoping for some good news. Today is the first day in almost a week that we haven't had showings and it has been fantastic. I am ready to get this house sold so it can be messy again!!! Hoping to finally post some pictures of my sweet babies soon. I think I am in denial that they are growing up and I may always call them my "babies" even though I really have a preschooler and a toddler. However in about 3 months we will have a little baby in the family again. Ashley is doing good and Hayes will be here sometime around Thanksgiving. We can't wait to spoil him and send him home!! The funny part is he will probably sleep better than WK as a newborn. Oh well you win some and you loose some.

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