Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Picture Post!!!

I have a "few" pictures from my cell phone that I wanted to go back and post on. The first two are from Easter 2014. This was the first year we let WK help with egg decorating. I think she loved it- Wade loves to dye eggs. This year we just used food coloring instead of those silly dye kits and they turned out so much better.

Such a girl already-she has her boa on and her purse in hand!

So sad that this is my only grandparent still alive. We really miss having them all around. WK wanted to be difficult-if you can even imagine so my mom had to do in the picture too. Hope we have a few more years with Grandma!

Here is my sweet boy at our Moms day at preschool. His teachers gave us the cutest gifts and oh how I love that little smile and dimples.

Wade and Westin-Kate got asked to be in a fashion show. Wade was so bashful and I thought WK would do horrible but she walked right on down by herself and even did a little turn and walked right back. She was so cute! Wade did great too but he said he "didn't want people to look at him!"

Our poor back yard is a work in progress these days. It was SO overgrown and we still have weeds everywhere. We finally got the weeds out of the patio and cleaned it up a little so we let the kids eat dinner outside for the first time. They think its so fun to do this and I love that the kitchen doesn't get so messy :)

This one is a little fuzzy but here is WK and all her glory...Pocket books on the potty is the new trend!

Nana and Poppy came and brought Peyton for the day and these kids had a great time. My little monkeys.

Here are my sweet babies on Mother's Day-we went to church and stopped by the park on the way home after lunch. It was a great day.

And...this is how these two sleep. We moved to a 5 bedroom house and they share a room and I love it! WK does have her own room but they just play in there mostly. She naps and sleeps in Wade's beds. I know they won't like doing this for too many more years but I am so glad they enjoy it now.

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