Thursday, November 29, 2012


Today I am thankful that Westin Kate's surgery is over and it went well. I was dreading it and it went SO well. I woke her up last night at 1150pm (she couldn't eat after MN) and fed her a bottle of mostly formula-hoping it would last longer!! I also gave her her first dose of benadryl to try to see it it would help her sleep. Well it worked like magic and we had to wake her at 545am to leave. If you know my child you know this is RARE. Normally should would have been up between 3-4am after eating at midnight. She was hungry when she woke up and wanted to eat but once we got into the car she got distracted and did great. She did not cry one time at the surgery center while we were waiting. Everyone kept telling us how "happy" and "good" she was and we were so thankful. I was thinking it was going to be a night mare. The surgery center was wonderful and everything was quick and on time. We got there at 6am and she went back as scheduled at 715am. Surgery only lasted 10-15 minutes and then we got to go back and see her.

She was crying when we went back but quickly settled down when I gave her a bottle. You could tell she was confused and not feeling great from anesthesia. She would cry off and on and cried for about 5 minutes in the car until she went to sleep. Wade did the exact same thing :) Thankfully she is still sleeping now an hour and a half later. Zach has Wade-I am so happy about this!!! I sneezed loud today and she cried...I forgot Wade was sensitive to loud noises at first too. I think when you always have fluid in your ear you tend to hear a little muffled so this is new to her. I completely forgot to ask her doctor if her ears were infected so I may call them today. One surgery down and one procedure to go. It is so nice to have this done before the Holiday's. I am so glad we changed our minds and went ahead with it. Here are some pictures of WK today. My mom came by to see her this morning but left right before they took her back. She started crying and didn't want to watch them take her back. I cried with Wade but this time I did ok. It really helped that the nurse took her and carried her back. With Wade they took him back on the big stretcher. Later mom called and reminded me that today is the day that my Grandma and Uncle both died. It was quite a few years ago but my Grandma died during surgery so mom said "Don't ever schedule another surgery on this day again" :) She was kidding but I didn't even think about it before hand.

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