Tuesday, November 6, 2012

9 Months Old!

Westin Kate today you are 9 months old. I can't believe that in 3 months you will be 1. Why does this first year have to fly by so fast? Because you are our last baby I think I could just keep you in this baby stage forever!! Well I want to keep you a sweet little baby but a baby that sleeps through the night. You are the sweetest little girl all day and you never cry BUT you are not a good night time sleeper. Thankfully you nap well during the day. Part of this is because you have had three ear infections and it seems like every time we get you into a good routine at night you get another one. They haven't mentioned tubes yet but I am waiting patiently because I feel like it is coming. You are so funny and have started doing things to make us laugh. You love to pat us on the back when we hold you. You are waiving now...it is so cute because you entire little arm goes up and down when you wave. You have also clapped a couple of times when we say "yay!" You also love to "give kisses" and will open your little mouth up all the way and put it on our face when we ask for one.

This is a picture of you doing your silly face-you are looking around to see who is paying attention to you. You love attention!! You stick your little toungue out and make a "pluh" sound when you do it. We always laugh and usually you will belly laugh at yourself and do it again. It is so funny because Wade did a silly face around this age and he would keep doing it over and over because we would laugh. You too are so similar but so different.

You love to sit and play on the floor with toys; you also love it when I get your bowls down and let you play with those. Its hard to tell in this picture but you have a drum stick and you LOVE to bang it on things or "play the drums!" You still aren't crawling but you are so close. You can go from sitting over to your hands and knees but you are only scooting backwards. Your little arms want to go but your knees haven't quite got the hang of it yet. You are also trying so hard to pull up-thankfully you haven't mastered that yet. You are so flexible. You can put both legs out in a split position and reach so your belly is almost flat on the ground. Maybe you will be a gymnast!!

Daddy is so excited because he will ask you "where's momma?" and you will look around and find me and smile. You can do this with daddy, mommy and wade! You also are trying hard to copy us when we do things. You love almost everyone and will pretty much let anyone hold you. The only new thing you are doing is you won't reach for anyone else when mommy or daddy are holding you. It is so funny and makes Mimi laugh. You used to always reach for her and now if mommy or daddy has you you are just content staying with us. You know what you want to do and don't want to do these days. You also throw your sweet head back at times when you don't want to get in the stroller or car seat. Oh the drama has started already. This is where you are so different from Wade. He never did this.

Happy 9 Months Sweet Girl!! We love you. Here are a few other things that you are up to:
  • weighed 19.13lbs (68%)-you were actually down in weight from last time
  • 27 1/2 inches long (49%)
  • wear 9-12 months clothes/size 3 diapers
  • take two good naps each day
  • still only eating solid foods twice a day-every now and then we get some lunch in there
  • drink 4 oz every 4-5 hours
  • only nurse only in the morning and during the night-take a bottle during the day
  • still eat once during the night (we will be stopping this if your ears are clear tomorrow)
  • eating lots of table food and you love it
  • can't say mama or dada yet but you can say "hey"
  • still only have your two little bottom teeth
  • love bath time and play time
  • are starting to get more hair and I am so excited to say I am seeing some wavy blond pieces
  • big brown eyes
  • know your name (I forgot this one last month) and turn and look when we call you
  • loves Wade and Charlie so much
  • got hit in the head by brother this week and fell off our chair onto your head this week :(
  • love to play with your brothers toys best- I still don't know how you know they are his and that it will make him mad
  • smile so big when we get the camera out or say cheese
  • are so social and nosy and you love to just ride in the cart at stores and "talk" to everyone
  • LOVE anything that plays music or when we sing to you. Especially if we clap or snap you think it is so funny
  • love to play with my hair. You are so sweet and will just rub it and play with it
  • love other babies at church or play group and always want to grab or touch them

Not a great picture but here she is trying to crawl! I love the next one because they are playing and she is laughing so hard at her brother!!

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