Saturday, March 16, 2013


Westin Kate has really taken her sweet time with walking but this week she has really started doing it more. I haven't rushed her at all because I know what happens when sweet little babies start walking...they turn into crazy wild toddlers. I am excited because this means that she won't have her little hands all over floors and playgrounds once she gets the hang of it. I completely forgot to post this video but this was exactly one month ago (funny how that worked out!!) On February 16th she took her first steps and right after she did it she did it again and Josh was able to video it on his phone. Here she is taking steps for the first time.

So here we are a month later and she is really trying hard to get this walking thing. She is 13.5 months!! She isn't walking around everywhere yet but she is taking 6-7 steps at a time and starting to let go of things and walk to other things. On Thursday she took quite a few steps at the park and was so proud of herself. She is also bear crawling on the hard floor now (I think it hurts her knees so she is crawling with her knees up!!) Hopefully today we will get a video of her walking now. I do have another video to share. People don't always believe me that my cute little girl is wild and crazy but here is the proof. She also started this on Thursday this past week. She watched the big kids and about two seconds later she was doing the same thing. I swear she thinks she is 3!!

Today it is so nice outside and I am so thankful because we are having their 1 year old and "almost" 4 year old pictures taken outside. Since she is February and he is April I thought I could do March each year for their yearly pictures. I am sad that WK is one now but I have to be honest that I do love only doing yearly pictures. With both of our kids we did newborn, 3,6,9 and 12 months and then we started doing yearly after that. Now that we are onto once a year we will do professional pictures. For their 3-9 months we just did something cheaper like portrait innovations.

 I have my fingers crossed for today that they both cooperate. I may or may not have bribed Wade with eating dinner out and frozen yogurt if he smiles and behaves. We don't bribe him very often at all but sometimes if is necessary :) Can't wait to share their pictures. Oh and I almost forgot that WK is saying "yea" and blowing kisses just this week. I have been showing her how but she has never blown a kiss back. Well this week my mom stopped by to see the kids after work (she has withdrawals if she only sees them once a week!) and when she was telling them bye I looked over at WK who was in her highchair and she had her sweet hand up to her mouth blowing her a kiss. So sweet. I know I brag about her but she is the sweetest baby ever. Now every time we pick her up she will hug us and lay her head down on our shoulder. I sure do hope she stays sweet!!

And in other big news Westin Kate is no longer crying at the gym or church. We started the gym last week and she only cried the first three days and only for 5 minutes or less. I think she does great because Wade goes too. But last week in the crawlers class they said she hardly cried at all. She actually played and had fun :) She never screamed like Wade did (we got called out every week for a LONG time) but she would cry off and on throughout the service. Thankfully her teachers love her so they just tolerate her issues :) They were so happy last week when we picked her up because she did so well! 

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