Monday, November 21, 2011

26 Weeks

Four blog posts in one day may be a new record for me!! I was 26 weeks on Saturday. I am making myself take a picture tomorrow of my growing stomach. The last picture I took was 19 weeks and oh how different I look now.

How Far Along: 26 weeks

Size of baby: 13.6-14.8 inches; 1.5-2.5 lbs- I feel like she is over 2 lbs for sure...I am measuring 1-2 weeks ahead again this time.

Gender: It's a girl....Westin Kate

Maternity Clothes: Yes

Weight Gain: I haven't even checked. I was doing so good before my activity got restricted so now I am not sure I want to know!! Keeping her safe is the most important thing now so the exercise will just have to wait.

Movement: Yes, usually early in the day, sometimes around lunch and then later in the evening!

Sleep: This has been a little better lately :)

Symptoms: ACID REFLUX and I am still cramping/having lots of back pain. I have not felt the contraction type pain that I was feeling in a few days now.

What I miss: being active and breathing normally-I still feel like I am short of breath at times.

Cravings: None really

What I am looking forward to: I am only a few days away from the start of my third trimester. I am also thankful that I am far enough along that if she comes now she will not be considered a micro preemie!!! I have another u/s on the 28th!!

I feel like the last few weeks have gone by so slow...but I got a email about being 26 weeks and it is crazy to me that I only have 96 days left (and that's if I go to 40 weeks!)

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