Thursday, June 3, 2010


Well things have been going better than I thought this week. I just knew we would come back and have a different child after spending 6 days with my parents. I have to say he is pretty much the same other than a little whinny and wanting his paci more. I hardly ever give it to him during the day except at nap time so we are working on getting back to that. I am not sure if he is whinny because his molars are still coming in or if he was used to getting his way most of the time? He has been napping great and sleeping well at night. We had one night where he woke up crying but even when we were holding him he was crying so I am guessing his teeth were hurting. So we are getting back into a routine. I have not even tried taking him to the gym because he has been saying "momma" when I leave the room. I think he is thinking we are going to leave him again. I may try taking him tomorrow just to see how he does. Here is a picture I forgot to post... Wade and my mom made this sign for us when they picked us up from the airport. It was too cute but he was so upset he forgot to show us then. Mom and dad said the entire time they were waiting for us he walked around shaking the sign.  Please excuse the clothes in the background we were unpacking and doing laundry that day.

His cute "Daddy and Mommie" sign
I took Wade to the pool yesterday for the 2nd time this summer. This time I remembered my camera. He had the best time. He was worn out and slept three hours when we got home. He did not take a morning nap yesterday so he was asleep in the car almost before we left the parking lot. Most days he is still taking a morning nap especially when he wakes up between 7-730am. Yesterday he slept until 9am because he was up crying some that night. If he sleeps until 830-9am he does really well and does not go down until 1230-1pm. I am actually ready for him to drop his am nap all together but I don't think he is quite ready yet. The week before we left for Mexico he was not taking one but for some reason he has started back wanting to sleep in the mornings. Today he took an 1 1/2 hour nap in the morning  and a 1 1/2 hour nap this afternoon. It was a nice break! He loved the water and the pool and was not scared at all. He even loved jumping in off the sides. Of course he also loved running around the pool trying to take everyone's toys! He did ok in the float but he is so busy and would much rather run around or play on the steps.

Ready for the pool
Just hanging out
Playing on the steps

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